نبذة عن القسم:

هو أحد أقسام كلية التربية والآداب، أنشئ عام 1409 هـ، مع  بداية إنشاء كلية المعلمين سابقاً. ويشتمل القسم على برنامج التربية الخاصة، يتضمن عدة مسارات هي: مسار الإعاقة العقلية، ومسار  التعلم، ومسار الاضطرابات السلوكية والتوحد، ومسار الموهبة والتفوق.

 وللقسم نشاطات عدة داخل الكلية وخارجها, منها القيام بتدريس مقررات الدبلوم العام التربوي  والمساهمة في التدريس في برنامج الصفوف الأولية، والمساهمة في تدريس دبلوم مصادر التعلم  التي يشرف عليها عمادة خدمة المجتمع والتعليم المستمر بالجامعة، وكذلك المشاركة في تدريس مقررات دبلوم الارشاد الأسري، وتدريس مقرر مهارات التفكير التابع لعمادة السنة التحضيرية، وكذلك القيام بأعباء التوجيه الطلابي في الجاة، بالإضافة الى مشاركات القسم في الدورات التدريبية المقامة بمدارس المنطقة ، وخدمة المجتمع المحلي



About the department

It is one of the departments of the College of Education and Arts. It was established in 1409 AH, with the beginning of the establishment of the former Teachers College. The department includes a unique education program, providing several tracks, such as mental disability, learning difficulties, behavioral disorders and autism, and giftedness and excellence.

The department is actively engaged in various activities inside and outside the college, including teaching General Educational Diploma courses, contributing to teaching the primary grades program, and participating in the Learning Resources Diploma program supervised by the university's Deanship of Community Service and Continuing Education. Additionally, the department teaches Family Guidance Diploma courses, offers skills courses, provides guidance to students, and conducts training sessions in local schools to serve the community.

An overview of each program

• Information about the program:

1 - The main headquarters of the program: Arar College of Education and Arts.

2-  Reasons for the establishment of the program: (economic, social, cultural

National needs and developments….)

3- Total credit hours for the program: (120) hours.

4 - Actual learning hours: (152) hours in each track.

• Track 

The main tracks of the program:

  • mental handicap.
  • learning difficulties.
  • Behavioral disorders and autism.
  • Talent and excellence.

• Academic Degree

Bachelor degree 

• Category:

 male Female

• Career opportunities:

 Centers, institutes, and schools for people with special needs, working with various community associations and organizations, kindergartens, psychologists, measurement and evaluation specialists - counseling, and rehabilitation - care homes.

Academic years

Study in this program is based on the level system, not the semester system.

The program includes four tracks as follows:

• The course of mental disability

• The course of learning difficulties

• The course of behavioral disorders and autism

• The path of talent and excellence

• Each track includes eight levels

•                     First level

The student studies six compulsory subjects common to all tracks of the unique education program, which are foundational courses in addition to Islamic culture (1) and Arabic language as a university requirement.

•                   Second Level

The specialization stage in the program, according to tracks

• The student studies five compulsory courses that are standard to the program tracks. In addition to Islamic culture (2) as a university requirement and applied Arabic language (1).

• One course as a specific specialization, where the student determines the appropriate track for him at the second level, where the student specializes in one of the program tracks.

•                The third level

The student studies six courses standard to all program tracks, including an elective course required by the university from the culture courses (2, 4, 7) and two courses from his specific specialization track within the program.

•             Fourth level

The student studies five compulsory courses that are standard to all program tracks, and an optional course is one of the university’s requirements. Culture (5,6,8), and Applied Arabic Language (2) as a college requirement, and two courses from his specific specialization track within the program

•                Fifth level

This level includes eight courses, three compulsory and joint courses, two elective courses from the college requirements (educational thought/history of the Kingdom/principles of administration/recitation and intonation), and three subspecialization courses.

•              Sixth level

At this level, the student studies eight courses, including five compulsory courses, two elective courses (specialization), and a field project course according to the student’s specialization.

•            Seventh level

The student graduates from field training (eight credit hours) at this level while studying two liberal courses.