Bachelor of Arabic Language and Literature Program

Objectives of the study in the bachelor's program:

-Preparing a generation of graduates capable of serving the Arabic language and its literature and benefiting from the Arab-Islamic heritage.
-Developing the skills of creativity, innovation, and scientific thinking among students.
-Contributing to comprehensive development programs to serve the community by establishing a valid base for completing scientific research in the specialized fields of the Arabic Language Department.
-Enriching cultural and human studies and scientific communication with international literature.
-Enriching students' cognitive and technical abilities and forming a personality capable of discovery, creativity, and reasoning.
-Developing the skill of cognitive knowledge and increasing the areas of mastery of cognitive communication techniques.

Bachelor of Arabic Language Program for Non-Native Speakers

 The program is for female students who were accepted in 1445 AH.

Program mission:
Preparing learners to teach Arabic to non-native speakers through distinguished programs that meet their needs, the needs of their community, and the labor market in line with what is determined by quality standards.

Program Objectives:

  • Improving oral and written communication skills and developing learners' linguistic abilities in teaching Arabic to non-native speakers so that they can communicate fluently, both spoken and written.
  • Enabling learners to qualify incoming students and continue studying in various scientific specializations at universities and nearby universities.
  • Contributing to openness to serving the local community by providing learners with moderate Islamic culture to spread it among non-native speakers.
  • Contributing to spreading the Arabic language and enhancing its role and distinguished position as a global language, and working to achieve the message of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in serving Arabic.
  • Presenting the Arabic language to teachers within its contemporary standard eloquent context and in its vital functional dimension and linking its learning to life.
  • Meeting the needs of the field of teaching Arabic for a comprehensive and integrated electronic program that provides an advanced educational series with its classification and standard tests within an electronic format that is considered one of the most advanced electronic programs in the field of language teaching.
  • Developing the field of teaching Arabic in light of successful educational/technical experiences and globally approved standards by an elite group of faculty members from different cultures.

Master's Program in the Department of Arabic Language

Program Title:
(500/Arabs/Master's Program in Arabic Language).

The Department of Arabic Language at the College of Arts and Education at the Northern Borders University aspires to:

-Achieve educational proficiency with its international standards and specifications, in continuity with our Arab-Islamic heritage, and interaction with advanced global cultures and literature.
-Achieve a qualitative shift that accommodates the energies of distinguished graduates of Arabic Language Departments.
-Commit to the organizational and executive standards system of the unified graduate studies regulations for Saudi universities.
-Adhere to the moral and cultural values ​​system and appreciate their specificity in contemporary Saudi society.
The Department of Arabic Language seeks, through its Master's program, to:

-Preserve the Arab Islamic identity and develop the abilities of linguistic, literary, and rhetorical appreciation, as well as critical thinking and creative thinking skills for the program's students.
-Invest in the capabilities of outstanding students, form scientific cadres of distinguished researchers, and direct them to the priorities of serious scientific research in the Northern Borders region, within the Kingdom and the Arab world, and then globally.
-Strive to keep pace with the development of scientific research paths and methods to achieve global excellence standards, pursue cultural development projects in the Kingdom, and then meet the needs of the labor market.
-Establish a culture of belonging and adherence to the Arab Islamic national identity among young researchers.
-Provide researchers with scientific research capabilities and mechanisms so that they can complete their studies for a doctorate degree in literature. Help researchers discover their research and scientific capabilities and employ them in service of our Arab Islamic heritage.
-Ensure that researchers acquire creative thinking skills and mastery of educational and media technologies; interact with global cultures and their literature, and keep up with their scientific developments to complete the university's academic mission aimed at presenting a generation of scholars who possess the ability to participate positively and effectively in the national development process and its developments in the Kingdom.
Study objectives in the Master's program:
-Preparing a generation of researchers capable of serving the Arabic language and its literature and benefiting from the Arab Islamic heritage.
-Enabling distinguished students to continue postgraduate studies and scientific research.
-Developing the creativity, innovation, and scientific thinking skills among researchers.
-Contributing to comprehensive development programs to serve the community by establishing a base for scientific research in specialized qualitative fields in the Arabic Language Department.
-Enriching cultural human studies and scientific communication with world literature.
-Taking care of heritage and contemporary Arabic studies and working to publish and benefit from them.
-Enabling the researcher to learn about the latest developments in modern science, scientific research methods, and specialized scientific approaches.
-Enriching the researcher's cognitive and technical capabilities and forming a research personality capable of discovery, creativity, and reasoning.
-Studying advanced literary genres and modern linguistics.
-Introducing the researcher to the origins of linguistic thinking, especially among Arabs.
-Developing the skill of cognitive knowledge and increasing the areas of mastery of cognitive communication techniques.
Program requirements:
It is providing a scientific library that collects heritage books and contemporary scientific research.
Providing a computer for easy interaction with the global information communications network (the Internet).
Providing a modern audio lab and a lab technician to manage and operate the lab.
Offering advanced scientific courses in:
- Computer.

-Dealing with phonetics lab equipment, through teaching the advanced specialized course as a condition for registering for the master's degree, and using linguistics lab equipment in teaching the following courses from the foundational qualification stage (Course 512/Arab/M Phonetics + Course 517/Arab/M Modern Linguistics + -Course 521/Arab/M Arabic Dialects).
-An advanced program for the foreign language the researcher is proficient in.

Program details:
First:  The Arabic Language Department offers a master's program for Saudi and non-Saudi students (with and without scholarships) in two main tracks:
-Language and Grammar Track.
-Literature and Criticism Track.
Second: The department grants a Master's degree in Arts/Arabic Language in the specialization of Language and Grammar or the specialization of Literature and Criticism after the student passes the qualifying studies (three semesters) and prepares a Master's thesis in one of the two tracks: (Language and Grammar, or Literature and Criticism). The Master's thesis is granted one of the following grades after the public discussion:
-Awarding a Master's degree in Arts/Arabic Language (Grammar and Language, or Literature and Criticism).
-Awarding a Master's degree in Arts/Arabic Language (Grammar and Language, or Literature and Criticism) after making the required amendments and approving them by the Supervisory Committee without needing a public re-discussion.
-Making the required amendments to the thesis and re-discussing it publicly within a time specified by the Judging and Discussion Committee, provided that it is not less than six months and not more than one year.
Refusal to grant a Master's degree with the reasons for the refusal stated in a collective report by the Judging and Supervisory Committee on the thesis.
Third: The Master's program consists of two stages:
-The preparatory foundational stage consists of three semesters.
-Preparing a Master's thesis in Arts/Arabic Language (Grammar Language, or literature and criticism).
Fourth: Preparatory stage:
-The student studies foundational specialized courses in three semesters, the first semester for students of both tracks (language and grammar - literature and criticism) together, while students of each track study specialized courses in the language and grammar track and the literature and criticism track in the second and third semesters, and for no less than (36 credit hours), distributed as follows:
-30 hours of study courses according to the approved plan.
-6 hours allocated to preparing the thesis.
Fifth: The student who obtains a grade of no less than very good or a percentage of 75%—at least—of his cumulative average in the Bachelor of Arabic Language stage is accepted into the Master's program after passing the written test and personal interview and completing the admission requirements stated in Article Thirteen of the admission requirements in the unified regulations for Saudi universities.
Sixth - The student must pass:
-An English language course.
-A computer course.
These two courses shall be by the conditions approved by the university.

The student passes a course in dealing with audio lab devices according to the conditions specified by the department.

Seventh: The detailed program for the foundational qualification stage courses in three semesters.

Job opportunities for department graduates.
The department grants multiple academic degrees, which allows the student to do the following:
Work in the university teaching and scientific research field, for outstanding students after qualifying them in the postgraduate stages.
Teach the Arabic language at all educational levels in public education.
Work in the media field through various means, including radio, television, press, and others.
Work in the field of linguistic revision in publishing houses and institutions in the public and private sectors.
Work in the field of achieving Arab heritage.
Providing linguistic and literary consultations to various research centers.
Work in computer linguistics and contribute to increasing Arabic content on the Internet.
Work in the field of diplomacy, global trade, and translation.
This is in addition to the job fields that all university graduates participate in, such as military and security fields and administrative office work in the public and private sectors.
Career opportunities for graduates of the department:
The department grants multiple academic degrees, which allows the student to do the following:
Work in the university teaching and scientific research field, for outstanding students after qualifying them in the postgraduate stages.
Teach the Arabic language at all educational levels in public education.
Work in the media field through various means, including radio, television, press, etc.
Work in linguistic proofreading in publishing houses and institutions of the public and private sectors.
Work in the field of achieving Arab heritage.
Ministry of Islamic Affairs, Call and Guidance (non-Arabic speakers).
Ministry of Hajj and Umrah (non-Arabic speakers).
Providing linguistic and literary consultations to various research centers.
Work in computer linguistics and contribute to increasing Arabic content on the Internet.
Work in the field of diplomacy, global trade, and translation.
This is in addition to the functional fields that all university graduates participate in, such as military and security fields and administrative office work in the public and private sectors.