عن القسم
هو أحد الأقسام التربوية في كلية العلوم الإنسانية والاجتماعية، تأسّس عام 1440هـ بعد اعتماد مجلس الجامعة لمقترح إعادة هيكلة الكلية، والتي من خلاله ضُمّ قسمَي: المناهج وطرق التدريس، وتقنيات التعليم، تحت مسمّى "قسم المناهج وتقنيات التعليم"، وكان القسمان قد تأسّسا منفصلَين مع إنشاء كلية المعلمين بعرعر عام 1409هـ.
يؤدّي القسم مهامه وأدواره، ويسعى لتحقيق أهدافه، من خلال تقديم البرامج الأكاديمية لمرحلة الماجستير في برنامجَي: المناهج وطرق التدريس بمساراته السبعة، وتقنيات التعليم؛ من أجل دعم مسيرة التطوّر والتقدّم العلمي والتربوي، وتلبية احتياجات المجتمع.
يساهم القسم مع الأقسام التربوية بالكلية في تقديم البرامج التربوية الخاصة بإعداد المعلّم، بالإضافة إلى المشاركة مع الأقسام العلمية الأخرى في تقديم المقررات التي تدعم برامجها الأكاديمية.
يشارك أعضاء القسم في تقديم الاستشارات العلمية والتربوية للجهات ذات العلاقة، بالإضافة إلى المشاركة في المؤتمرات والندوات محليًا ودوليًا، وتقديم الدورات والبرامج التدريبية وورش العمل في مجال.
يتطلّع القسم إلى تحقيق التميّز في تقديم البرامج التربوية في مجالات: المناهج وطرق التدريس، وتقنيات التعليم؛ لإعداد المعلمين، وتأهيلهم علميًا ومهنيًا وبحثيًا؛ لمواكبة الاحتياجات العصرية والمستقبليّة للمجتمع السعودي.
يسعى القسم إلى توفير بيئةٍ تعليميةٍ داعمة وفاعلة، تُسهم في إعداد وتطوير الكوادر التربويّة، ذات الكفاءة العالية في مجال: المناهج وطرق التدر
The Department of Curricula and Educational Technologies is one of the educational departments within the College of Humanities and Social Sciences. It was established in 1440 AH following the University Council's approval of a proposal to restructure the college, which merged two former departments: Curricula and Teaching Methods, and Educational Technologies.
The two original departments were created when the College of Education was established in Arar in 1409 AH. The department is dedicated to achieving its goals by offering academic programs at the master’s level in two areas: Curricula and Teaching Methods (with seven tracks) and Educational Technologies. These programs aim to support scientific and educational development, as well as meet the needs of society.
The department collaborates with other educational departments in the college to provide teacher preparation programs and works together with various scientific departments to offer courses that support their academic offerings. Faculty members actively deliver scientific and educational consultations to relevant stakeholders, engaging in local and international conferences and seminars, and offering training courses, programs, and workshops within their areas of expertise. Additionally, they publish scientific research in reputable journals.
The department aims to excel in delivering educational programs in the fields of curricula, teaching methods, and educational technologies. Its goal is to prepare and qualify teachers with the necessary scientific knowledge, professional skills, and research capabilities to meet Saudi society's modern and future needs.
The department is dedicated to providing a supportive and effective educational environment that fosters the preparation and development of highly efficient educational professionals in the areas of curricula, teaching methods, and educational technologies.
1. To prepare qualified educational professionals by equipping them with the necessary knowledge, skills, and competencies in their specialized fields, ensuring they remain aligned with societal advancements and scientific and technological progress in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
2. develop plans, programs, and curricula that meet society's needs.
3. encourage and support faculty members in conducting research, writing, and publishing within their areas of specialization.
4. serve the community by engaging in conferences, programs, educational, research, and advisory activities related to curricula, teaching methods, and educational technologies.
5. establish community and research partnerships with educational institutions and organizations.
Academic Degrees :
The department offers two master's level programs:
1. Curricula and Teaching Methods (seven tracks).
2. Educational Technologies (one track).
Master's degrees are awarded to male and female graduates in their respective specializations.